[joomla] Where to post new extentions?

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Wed Aug 15 06:43:29 EDT 2007

I'm just curious, what are the good places to post news about new 

On my own plate, I've got the following I'm working on:

A Smarty Mambot library(to use smarty in other components)
An extensive set of modifications for the AdsManager component
***Using Smarty to display ads to give me more control over layout
***Enhancing the search functions
***Using Smarty to display search results
***Better Community Builder integration(AdsManager to CB)
***Better CB integration(CB to AdsManager)

A CB Plugin(this one is really really stupid)
A function to register userids(basically, all I'm doing is taking the 
userid creation function and rewriting it so it can be called from 
outside CB itself.  As an example, AdsManager will create a userid when 
they post an ad if the user doesn't have one - if you enable it.  But 
the way it does it sucks, it bypassing all the CB functions and just 
creates an approved user profile.  If I can get the user reg functions 
seperated, I can then call them and use all that good functionality.

A Virtuemart shipping calculation module
(speciality Australian shipper using a web API)

A Lightbox mambot
(see recent post to the Joomla forums.  Lightbox/Slimbox in Joomla is a 
stupid way of implementing lightbox.  Don't get me wrong, I think it's 
great that developers added this function to different bits of code, but 
they keep repeating themselves and stepping on each others toes - plus 
they push work the server is perfectly capable of doing onto the client)

An alt text mambot(a lot of modules post images with no alt text.  From 
SEO professionals, I've been told alt text is a good place to shove 
keywords for search engines.  So why not post process the page and 
update your keywords?)

An ecards component(I'm really hoping to find a good one that I can use 
so I don't need to fiddle with this one)

A page cleanup mambot(just a general mambot to run to clean up the 
source of the page before it goes out.  Configurable by the user for 
what to clean.  I'm thinking things like:
Check for duplicate javascript libraries and remove the duplicates.
Check for specified tags and remove them(like a certain extentions ugly 
little ads)
Strip HTML comments and compress the page down in size.
Configure it to replace lines of CSS code with a combined file(ie if 
your using 5 CSS stylesheets in a page, have a configuration where you 
enter those 5 sheets and the mambot will replace the include with 1 
include of a file which combines all 5 sheets, in the order you specify, 
and compresses them)

Most of the big items I'm doing for a project anyway.  The little items 
just look good to do. I think someone else posted an idea here for a 
mambot that looked pretty simple that I was thinking of doing as time 

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