[joomla] Dev issues

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Aug 15 16:20:29 EDT 2007

Wow, look at all these responses, the list comes back to life!

On 8/15/07, Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at> wrote:
> Mitch, how about a workshop on writing extensions?

I would love to do that but would have to focus on 1.5. I haven't
really worked with 1.0 in quite a long time, and also think that once
folks understand what 1.5 brings to the table everyone will adopt it
as the series of choice.

On 8/15/07, David A. Roth <rothmail at> wrote:
> By the way, Spacemonkey (still don't know the origins of that name
> for you), I didn't get a chance to thank you for your helpful Joomla
> post that answered my inquiry about capacity issues of Joomla a month
> ago or so. It helped convince a Webmaster to totally leave a Windows
> Server and go 100% with Joomla on Linux. Two weeks later after
> successfully running his conference web site with Joomla, he sent me
> a message saying "What geniuses came up with Joomla? Wow!!!".
> See you at the first Joomla meeting in NYC!

Heh. Well, many years ago, when Ronald Reagan was still president, the
techs that worked in the server room were referred to as "monkeys". As
I was the strangest of the bunch, they claimed I was a "monkey from
space", which eventually simplified itself to "spacemonkey". I haven't
lived it down since.

Nice to hear my tip helped you out, and welcome your webmaster to the
linux world :-)

On 8/15/07, Gary Mort <bz-gmort at> wrote:
> I get the impression that the people on that forum are really interested
> in discussing 1.5, not 1.0.x
> Don't get me wrong, 1.5 is a massive leap forward in terms of making
> Joomla developer friendly, so I can see why a lot of people are jumping
> there.
> But I tend towards cautiousness, 1.0.12 works and is well supported.  I
> see no reason to upgrade until the 3rd party extentions are there for it.
> However, that does lead to a problem as the tips exchanged for 1.5 won't
> work for 1.0.12  - and writing code in a 1.0.x format for 1.5 is a
> monumental waste of time.

Chicken! Ok, seriously, this is going to be a somewhat painful period
for some folks as there will of course be a delay between the
extensions being available for 1.5, coupled with the unbridled
enthusiasm of the developer community wanting to work solely on the
1.5 series. I can only hope that we can channel that unbridled
enthusiasm to get those extensions ported (or even better) ASAP.

I'm also wanting to do a workshop on framework application
development, as I'm currently involved in creating a high-traffic
website based on the 1.5 framework that gets 40+ million page views
every week. Not only is this a great candidate to discuss development
of framework applications, but it also makes a great subject for
high-scaling Joomla websites in general.

I hope to attend the first Joomla/NYPHP meet but I will be coming back
from playing a concert and don't know if I will be able to make it :-(
If it is at all possible, I'll be there though :-)

-- Mitch

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