[joomla] Subscribe to a BLOG feature for Joomla?

David A. Roth rothmail at
Thu Jan 4 16:31:20 EST 2007

I'm building a site in Joomla where the client wants to have a blog of 
company news items/announcements, and be able to have visitors opt-in. 
I know there is a login form for users to register in Joomla, but I was 
wondering if there is a way to be able to have them sent an e-mail 
letting them know that the blog or news item has been updated or that 
in general there is new content added to the web site. Also, we need 
for these registered users not to be able to post blogs or follow-up 
comments on the blogs.

Is there something out there already that does this? Or have I 
overlooked this feature already in Joomla?


David Roth
rothmail at

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