[joomla] Site Server Migration ? (can't log in to Administrator console)

D. Salemink Klikstudio debbie.salemink at
Fri Mar 30 13:21:29 EDT 2007

I had the same problem once which turned out to be solved when i changed the
RG emulation value in Globals.php, hope this helps.

On 3/30/07, forest <compustretch at> wrote:
> Hey all,
>    I am attempting to migrate a Joomla site to a new server. After copying
> over the root directory, and then copying over the mysql database, the site
> is up and running on the new server, and registered users can log in. good.
>    However when trying to log into the administration console it keeps
> coughing, saying the session is expired. It does this for any of the
> administrator accounts, and I have tried migration to more than one machine,
> and it does the same thing.
>    I've been all thru includes/joomla.php, but before I start tearing
> anything apart (or tearing my hair out) I am wondering if anyone has
> experienced this or knows the obvious reason for this behaviour I am
> missing.
> appreciatively,
> -forest
> ps- did anyone goto the php thing last night at Suspenders? I couldn't
> make it, though it sounded fun!
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D. Salemink
Zomerdijkstraat 1-1 1079WX Amsterdam
+31207726869 +31651611510

New media courses and workshops,
Webdesign, interaction, digital presentation
for the arts and design sector
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