[joomla] Poll roundup

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Thu Nov 1 11:52:37 EDT 2007

ExitPoll is AWESOME!  Once you figure it out (not that
bad) it's the last poll/quiz/whatever component you
will look at.. I tried PollXT, liked it, then tried
ExitPoll, and uninstalled PollXt...
--- bz-gmort at wrote:

> Still working on forums for the site, so until then
> here is a good place 
> as any for commentary.
> I'm wondering what people use for polls, what they
> like and what they 
> don't like.
> I tried the default Poll component for Joomla and
> quite frankly, it was 
> too basic.
> I've been using PollXT and its flexible and easy to
> use.  But I'm 
> interested in what components others are using as
> well.
> I see someone did some integration work with
> Limesurvey and Joomla 
> recently, so that's an option too.
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