[joomla] We need a logo!

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Fri Nov 30 12:10:06 EST 2007

Here are my thoughts, which outstrip my graphical skills(yes, I'm that 
bad...  I'll grit my teeth and do it when I'm being paid to do it, but I 
always end up losing money on the graphics design part).

Joomla Logo, white background, as a label on a jug of Apple Cider(hey, 
Apple Cider is very NY - if not NYC!) 

Joomla Logo inside the torch of the Statue of Liberty(yeah NJ residents, 
I went there.  She's /ours/ even if she is on your island! :-) ).

Joomla Logo at the top of the Empire State Building.

All of course with the words NYC Joomla User Group spelled out below for 
the dense.

Set it up, run it past the Joomla committee and use it temporarily, and 
if they nix it, we can remove the logo and just put the text NYC
 in it's place and when someone complains about us not using the 
logo...well, the Joomla committee told us not to, sorry.

Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> On Nov 29, 2007 8:33 PM, Gary Mort <bz-gmort at> wrote:
>> Would you have examples of usage?  The documentation basically implies
>> that you have to use the logo and no other imagery.  IE placing the
>> Joomlo logo next the a picture of the empire state building, in the
>> torch of the statue of liberty, or as a white label on a jug of cider
>> would be unacceptable?
>> Personally, if anyone wants to contribute a logo and can't figure out
>> the Joomla guidelines, I'm also open to simply not using it rather than
>> try to fight with the main org over it.
> I was once chastised for putting the logo on a gradient background and
> giving it a slight reflection. *sigh*
> Maybe we're better off just trying to come up with something nice, and
> if it is cool we can try to convince that we're not pirates...
> -- Mitch
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