[joomla] October Joomla Meeting

bz-gmort at bz-gmort at
Fri Sep 28 12:28:50 EDT 2007

 From October onwards, out meeting date is now the second thursday of 
the month.

October 11th
6PM to 8PM

Robert Half Technology
245 Park Avenue, 25th Fl.
46th - 47th St.
(near grand central)

We have room for 50 people.  People will need to RSVP in advance so we 
have a list for security, and you will need some form of photo id onhand 
for security.

We will be setting up a website and an RSVP form over the weekend, for 
now you can simply email me your RSVP and I'll manually add you to the list.

Our last meeting was a long presentation about Joomla in general.  So 
this time around, I'd like to aim to have a number of quick 
presentations and we can alternate meetings going forward(big 
presentations followed by short presentations, etc). We will aim for 4 
small presentations, with the first 2 being geared for a more user 
level, and the last 2 for developers.  Anyone who willing to do a short 
15-20 minute presentation, please contact me.

Therefore, our schedule will be:
Session 1: 6:00-6:20 - Community Builder, what it is and what it is not
Session 2: 6:20-6:40

JUG/SIG Planning: 6:45-7:15.
To discuss: Community Website plans and needs
Community Projects

Session 3: 7:20-7:40
Session 4: 7:40-8:00

At the last meeting, I noticed some discussions on building a 
"community" website, and the component that get's mentioned frequently 
is Community Builder.  Community Builder, by itself, doesn't provide 
much in the way of "community" features, but it is a strong basis for 
such websites.  So I'd like to do a brief review of the features of CB 
to begin with, along with thoughts on what it allows you to do as far as 
community websites are concerned.

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