[joomla] April's meeting

Anthony Ferrara ircmaxell at
Mon Apr 7 16:22:18 EDT 2008

My apologies for the delay in getting this announce
out...  Here's April's meeting...

Aprils meeting will be held at Robert Half (245 Park
Ave, 25th Floor) as usual, on Thursday, April 10th
starting at 6:00pm.  Here’s the breakdown for this

6:00 – 6:30 : General meet and greet, no formal

6:30 – 7:00 : Question and Answer sessions.

7:00 – 8:00 : Joomla vs. Drupal, by Forrest Mars.  
In a talk that's sure to be simultaneously
light-hearted and heavy-hitting, Forest Mars breaks
down the differences (and some similarities) between
the Joomla! and Drupal content management systems,
neither of which, it should be noted, are even in the
top 10 of CMSes (according to a secret study not
released by Google.) The talk is aimed primarily at
Joomla! developers who want to see how the other half
lives, which is somewhat logical since migration from
Drupal to Joomla is a bit like driving the wrong way
during a Grand Prix. 

Forest Mars is a Web Developer and Network Architect
best known for starting New York's Only Free Internet
Cafe and the first Wireless ISP in Manhattan. He is
currently working on a Video-on-Demand system for
smart phones, but then who isn't? Contact him directly
via forest-at-bway-dot-net.

8:00 – 8:30 : More Q&A / Site Showcase

8:30 – Whenever – TGI Fridays (47 East 42nd St).  

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