[joomla] Presentations, request for presentors

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Tue Jan 22 15:44:15 EST 2008

February shall be performance month, so I have lined up 3 presentors 
from last year who are all involved, to one degree or another, with 
sites that have higher traffic than your typical mom and pop sites.

For March, I'd like to discuss security and Joomla and/or web design.  
So I'm soliciting people here and now to present in March - anyone 
interested?  It doesn't have to be specifically Joomla related, but 
security related with some sort of tie in(for example, talking about 
processing credit card payments in online stores has a Joomla hook, even 
if you talk about it outside of Joomla).

For April, we will be discussing Content Management in general.  I'd 
like to have a presentation on Joomla 1.5 since it will have been out 
for a few months, along with a presentation on Drupal.  I'm also open to 
presentations on other open source CMS type systems(including wordpress 
and wikipedia) - so anyone who wishes to volunteer to talk about an open 
source, CMS like system feel free to notify me.

I think through April is enough advance planning.

Also if anyone has a small presentation(under 20 minutes) that they 
would be willing to place as a standby presentation for the future, that 
would be great to have some extra presentations in the works, so to 
speak, to handle the inevitable cancellations and late shows.

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