[joomla]'s new forum

forest mars compustretch at
Mon Mar 3 11:41:28 EST 2008

We've talked about this at a previous meeting.

The search function on Joomla forums is typical of many many large sites--
it's embarrassingly bad. The list of major sites with large user bases and
completely useless search functionality is really, remarkably long. One
reason for this is how efficient Google site search is, which takes away
alot of incentive for improvement, given limited site development resources.

So the short answer is, just use Google site search and fine tune your
queries to hone in on exactly what you need.

I do wish there could be improvements on site searches using  a sites's own
search functionality, but I don't see much of that happening. If anyone
knows of an example of a site whose own search is equal to Google's let
alone superior, I would be interested in seeing that.

As for subbscription notifications, that was probably the contribution of a
junior developer who thought it would be a good way to "drive people to the
site" if the actual content weren't included in the email. Hopefully they'll
get spanked for that at some point, as it flies in the face of the direction
content driven development is headed.

HTH,  (& with apologies for the top post...)

Forest Mars
"In theory, theory and practice are exactly the same.
 In practice, they're completely different."

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 7:24 PM, Donna Marie Vincent <
donnamarievincent at> wrote:

> Has anyone else found Joomla's new forum to be difficult to use and
> search?
> I try doing a search of keywords and I get very few results, which when I
> click on doesn't show me anything.
> And the notifications from the subscriptions doesn't give the text of the
> post, which is not helpful.
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