[joomla] logistics for installfest

Mark Simko masimko at
Mon Oct 20 13:28:52 EDT 2008

> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 23:14:30 -0400
> From: "Mitch Pirtle" <mitch.pirtle at>
> Subject: Re: [joomla] logistics for installfest

> I suspect that if someone wanted help installing Joomla, they would
> already have a place they wanted it but had no technical expertise in
> getting it setup. Or, they have no idea what is needed in the first
> place.

For a base install, they'll need an account with a shared hosting
service that is a linux platform, supports php5, and has an available
mysql account? They'll need to know

ftp server:
ftp account:
ftp password

domain website url:

mysql database:
mysql database user:
mysql database password:

Anything else?

> Then again, to me a Joomla-specific install fest sounds more like
> templates and other extensions and not just the base package.

Then they'll need website url, admin password, and some idea of what
type of extension they are looking for. Anything else?

> What is the expectation for an event like this, for a platform like this?

Will we be doing one at a time, or breaking up into groups with a base
install with one group, and extension work with another? If the second,
will we need additional projectors?

> >
> > I could create a VPS if we need... I couldn't BRING it, but point some
> > DNS/etc if desired.

> Haha, well would certainly hope so, but, err...  :)

It helps to get the requirements out there, once you know what you are

> > Then again, to me a Joomla-specific install fest sounds more like
> > templates and other extensions and not just the base package.
> > 
> > What is the expectation for an event like this, for a platform like
> > this?

Exactly! I guess that'll depend on who we get the message out to. Either
we can set what we plan to do, or try to find out through some sort of
registration process what is expected / needed.

-always happy to stir the pot- :)

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