[joomla] JoomlaDay NYC

Laura Gordon li_gordon at
Wed Apr 1 15:05:24 EDT 2009

We are in the process of 'securing' our site...but for now, please mark your calendars...

Joomla Day NYC
Monday, October 12, 2009
(Columbus Day) (Our Usergroup Site) (Our JoomlaDay site...will be updated shortly!)

Place: SLC Conference Centers, NYC

Time: 9-5 (about)

What: We will have many workshops to choose from.  This will be a great day for joomla beginners up to the experts!  We hope everyone will get something out of it.

Who: Everyone is welcome, but we can only have  a max of 100 attendees!

Our website will be up mark your calendars and spread the word!!!

Fee: Still being worked on...probably around $60-$70 per person (includes lunch, workshops, etc.)

Sponsorship:  Sponsors are WANTED!!!  We will post fees, etc. soon, but if you know you want to help us out, please email me at: li_gordon at

-- Laura
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