[joomla] joomla on a stick

Mark Simko masimko at
Sat Aug 22 20:59:59 EDT 2009

Just went through and configured a usb stick with server2go and joomla.

Found out that it is available as joomlas2go already done.

Not too hard to do. You have to hunt around to find php.ini to turn off
register globals and error reporting. It's not all that fast. Shared
hosting seems faster (go figure).

We can get 2 gb sticks for around $6. We can have them imprinted for an
extra charge.

I'd like to replace the server2go splash screen with JoomlaNYC logo if
we use these.

Also would like to include a folder with some templates and components
so that we could cover installing extensions.

If anyone has any suggestions for templates and extensions to include on
it, I'll put them on and bring it to next JUG meeting so we can decide
if we want to distribute these at any of the sessions.

I've zipped up the original install so I can monkey with this one. We
can use the original install zip file as a basis for making a bunch for
JoomlaDayNYC if it goes that way.


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