[joomla] Why the mootools love?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sat Dec 5 14:35:17 EST 2009

I've always wondered about this one.  I'm not a big framework person, but I
have worked in both Mootools and JQuery a bit, and I've always wondered why
the continued love of Mootools?

For a CMS encouraging third party devs, Mootools seems like the WORST
possible choice.   For lazy programmers, Mootools seems like a great choice.

I admit, Mootools is easier to grasp quickly, to code for, etc.  It is more
"fun".  But that fun comes at a cost[and maybe this has changed since I last
looked deeply].

Mootools doesn't use a namespace.  Over half the troubleshooting I've done
on sites setup by others, when it involves weird front end stuff, is because
of mootools.  Specifically, it's because some of the other components
installed are not using mootools and there is a function name conflict
between the libraries mootools loads, and the libraries in the other code.

JQuery, by contrast, HAS  a namespace.  It is much harder to cause a
function name conflict that blows the javascript on a page out of the
water.  It's less "fun" to program in, but you don't run into stupid

And when you want to encourage people to download and install third party
apps, it seems to me that your base supported javascript library should
encourage that by not causing conflicts!

Anyone know why mootools is getting so strongly embedded in Joomla[I see
they had some sessions at the Dev Conference] instead of going to a sane
platform?  Is mootools finally gonna adopt namespaces?  Or is this just the
result of joomla front end devs not wanting to recode all the javascript
into something less programmer friendly?

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