[joomla] list sig

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Fri Dec 11 11:03:33 EST 2009

>>I'm just suggesting that we provide an opportunity for
them to tell us what they are interested in or need help with.

I don't see it as a "them" and "us".  I think whoever participants in the JUG discusses what they want to get and give from the meetings.  I don't think there should be an "us" catering to a "them".

>> But installfests happen infrequently. The last one planned turned
into JoomlaDay, which was hardly for beginners. 

JoomlaDay was such an outstanding success, we are now doing the InstallFest and will probably be doing more events.

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From: Mark Simko <masimko at>
To: joomla at
Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 11:00:36 AM
Subject: Re: [joomla] list sig

On Fri, 2009-12-11 at 10:22 -0500, joomla-request at wrote:

> From: Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at>

> >>right now we are just guessing at
> >>why newcomers show up
> They usually mention that when we go around the room and introduce ourselves.  As people participate in the group, they can add to the discussion and decisions about what we do as a group.

I don't think they are all that specific about their issues, or that
they know how to express them, or that they aren't intimidated into not
expressing them. I'm just suggesting that we provide an opportunity for
them to tell us what they are interested in or need help with. 

> I wouldn't want to see the JUG become a one-sided situation where people only come to pick others' brains for their specific needs.  There's one Meetup group who requires that attendees participate.  I wouldn't go that far because sometimes new people need to get a feel for what's going on before they feel comfortable.

Neither would I. I'm suggesting that we keep their interest by
addressing things they are interested in. If they come and there are
only advanced topics discussed, they probably won't return.

> As far as learning Joomla basics and finding out what Joomla is and does, that's what the InstallFest can provide.

Yes. But installfests happen infrequently. The last one planned turned
into JoomlaDay, which was hardly for beginners. 

Then again, maybe demos for beginners are just a bad idea.



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