[joomla] To be polite:

Gary Mort garyamort at
Thu Dec 17 11:20:19 EST 2009

Since I posted to 2 places about this and mentioned our group, to be polite
I will point it out:

Apparently there is some talk of paying Joomla core developers to encourage
getting releases done.

My personal opinion is that it won't help as things stand right now and just
lead to resentment.

As they stand now, the Joomla Core Team DOES work, on the core, which is the
part of Joomla that they use for their paying projects.

What doesn't get done are all the other components they don't use, Contacts,
Polls, Banners, etc.

Since I don't think one can match the fees they get for freelance projects
where they use the Core, what will end up happening is that they will get
paid to do the fun stuff they already do, the Core, and still the other
items won't get done since they will get more money using what they wrote in
their other paying projects.

What really needs to happen is to get other groups committing to
update/upgrade the other components.

Which is where I see the user group could come in, if we
sponsored/controlled one of those items we get extra exposure of our group
and our individual members services.  And our rep is on the line to make
sure the component is kept up to date, even though it is not a "sexy"
component to work on.

Get half a dozen to a dozen companys and groups to do that each with ONE
component, and then release cycles speed up.

THEN it is time to talk about paying core developers, because I think it
WOULD help.  But if they go the route of paying the core developers before
establishing a working structure for the rest, all that will lead to is the
core being updated slightly faster, but no one else seeing that it is
updated because without the other components very few people can actually
take the core and do something with it.

It would also mean that more people would have input and an idea of what new
features are coming up, since there would be a lot of small teams all over
actually working with them.

I don't think it will happen, because quite frankly it means Open Source
Matters has to give up some of the "control" they have over things - even
though they still have the final say on accepting an upgraded component or
not.  And people are always reluctant to give up control.

I just figured since I essentially "volunteered" us for this[even though it
was just an example and not a commitment] it would be polite to make sure I
pointed it out to the group. :-)
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