[joomla] Integrated Wiki?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sat Dec 26 14:16:22 EST 2009

On Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Leam Hall <leam at> wrote:
> Media Wiki looks great, but is there something 1.5 Joomla-ish that is a good
> basic Wiki? I'd like to have 3-8 users editing a dozen or two pages and
> that's about it.
> One possibility is to just make them Editors for a few pages, but I'm not
> sure you can limit the pages an Editor can edit? The wiki will be a side
> component of the regular site and content is not related.
> Thoughts?

While at KickApps I had a Joomla site setup as the main site, with
KickApps-hosted community features (blogs, forums, photos) and setup
two separate MediaWiki instances for API reference documentation. I
also used the joomla plugin for mediawiki, which worked just fine for
my purposes.

Something to consider.

-- Mitch

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