[joomla] strange logout problem

Laura Gordon li_gordon at
Sun Feb 15 11:12:25 EST 2009

I am having a strange problem on my new 1.59 joomla systems.
When you login on the front end using ie 7, then edit data, when you try to save the pagem, you can get an error and are kicked out of the system.
Then when you try to access the page again, even if you aren't editing you get the same error.  The error is: a winows box pops up saying, Internet Explorer can't open the site, and it says operation aborted.  Then I have to clear the history in order to access the system again.
This problem is happening on all of my new 1.59 installs, the only thing in common is 1.59 and ie7.
any ideas?
If you think you can help, email me and I will send you a login info so you can see it in action.
- Laura
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