[joomla] two more questions

Mark Simko masimko at
Thu Feb 19 13:25:36 EST 2009

I just broke a joomla system yesterday and I can't seem to fix it. It
was having issues serving up pages after logging in. I had installed
community builder.

Anyway, because of the error message I got, I thought it would be a
<not> good idea </not> to to change the table prefix field in the
configuration page. Of course I <stupid move> neglected to heed, or even
notice the exclamation pointed warning triange thingy </stupid move>.

I thought that at worst <bad assumption> that all I would have to do to
change things back was to edit the configuration.php file</bad
assumption>. That doesn't seem to be fixing the problem. Is there a
field in the database that I have to change to fix this problem? Can't
seem to find it.


I have another site I'm working on that seems to have a problem with the
template css and joomla's sef. When I turn on sef, the css holds up at
the section level but breaks at the category level. Doesn't seem to
matter whether I put in a livesite value or not.

This template is universatil, which has that second css directory. Don't
know what happens when I switch to a simpler template.

Is it possible that the order of directives in the .htaccess file can
affect this?

Any other ideas about how to fix this? I'll need to go to sef with this



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