[joomla] question about php 4 and php 5

Scott Wolpow scott at
Sun Feb 22 15:35:01 EST 2009

We dud make Crack illegal. BTW I am going to the "Dream Bid" Gala in 
honor of Notorius BIG.

That solution only works with shared, or one rule for all sites. If 
using virtual with virtual hosts, that will cause them all to use php5, 
which must be installed. But it must have a distinct extension.
MIGRATE, it is just easier.


On 2/22/2009 3:24 PM, Mitch Pirtle wrote:
> "This is from my host's website:"
> You need a new host, or at least one that knows the difference between
> apache and an apache module. Holy smokes, I thought we made crack
> cocaine illegal?
> -- Mitch, shaking head
> On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Mark Simko<masimko at>  wrote:
>> This is from my host's website:
>> With Linux hosting packages you have the choice between PHP 4 and
>> PHP 5. To distinguish a script as PHP 5, simply name the script with the
>> file
>> extension .php5.
>> Please note that in contrast to PHP 4, the default for the variable
>> RegisterGlobals and allow_url_fopen is "off".
>> By default Apache uses PHP 4 for .php extension. If you don't want to
>> rename all your
>> scripts to .php5 you can do the following:
>> Create a .htaccess file and place the following line AddType
>> x-mapp-php5 .php in it.
>> This will tell Apache to use PHP 5 instead of PHP 4 for the
>> extension .php in the
>> directory the .htaccess is placed and all sub-directories under it.
>> Hopefully that will help you too.
>> Mark
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