[joomla] Zoom Media Gallery

Dn. Kirill Sokolov kirill at
Wed Jan 21 11:42:56 EST 2009

Hello Friends,

Our site uses Zoom Media Gallery on Joomla 1.0.15.  This extension is  
not supported any longer and is a bit scary -- if you look at it the  
wrong way, it breaks. ;)

I know there are many manger gallery managers and many posts about  
them, but I am trying to figure out a migration path to a stable,  
usable solution.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  I would  
love to be able to retain galleries with their captions and  
descriptions.  I can't imagine I'm the only ZMG user out there "stuck"  
like this.

Thanks for your help,

Kirill Sokolov

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