[joomla] OH NOES!

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Jun 9 17:17:43 EDT 2009

The good news is that I am as proud as can be, as I just inherited the
under-8 gaelic football team as head coach. In my coaching debut last
weekend, my seven kids whupped bootie all over their eleven kids.

     *coachmonkey beams with pride

However it has finally dawned on my caffeine-addled brain that
practices are on Thursdays. EVERY Thursday.

     *spacemonkey slaps coachmonkey's forehead

So for this month I won't be able to make it, and I'm looking down the
calendar to see if this is a permanent condition.

Totally infuriating as I've been doing some seriously whack-daddy
stuff with Joomla and MongoDB (, an open source object
database that has properties that are PERFECT for a cms... I'd love to
show some of this stuff off. -sniff-

I'm sad I'm not going to be there this Thursday folks, pretty sure I
owe at least a few of you some pints afterwards as well.

-- Mitch

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