[joomla] Joomla User Group Meeting this Thursday -- Mar. 12, 2009

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Tue Mar 10 22:54:47 EDT 2009

Yup, we should definitely discuss it.

As for the Joomla Extension TBD, can I demo MetaMod? I'm having a hell
of a lot of fun playing around with it, and am starting to think it is
the swiss army knife of module tools.

Also as a heads up, WebTechNY will be tomorrow night at KickApps. The
planned speaker ended up not being able to make it, so we're going
with Josh (the guy that sits across from me) making an impromptu demo
of the Widget Studio. He's the product manager of the Widget Studio
and gives a much more compelling demo than I can.

I know it is two days in a row (yucky for me too) but if you're
interested and can make it, please do!

-- Mitch

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Laura Gordon <li_gordon at> wrote:
> Can we also have some time set aside to discuss joomladay nyc, as I iwll
> have quotes, and ll of the details by thursday night.
> -- Laura
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> ________________________________
> From: Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at>
> To: Joomla Users Group List <joomla at>
> Sent: Monday, March 9, 2009 11:37:59 AM
> Subject: [joomla] Joomla User Group Meeting this Thursday -- Mar. 12, 2009
> Topics for this Thursday's meeting:
> 1.  Joomla Extension Demo - TBD*
> 2.  KickApps for Joomla:  "From social networking and user-generated content
> to video-sharing and widgets, social media & online communities have emerged
> as a very effective way to grow and increase audience engagement. We’ll
> discuss nine steps for creating a successful social media website." --
> Michael Chin, SVP Marketing, KickApps
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For more information (when, where, etc.), see the NYC JUG website at
> *Please contact me if you would like to present a demo
> ________________________________
> Donna Marie Vincent
> JoomSites, LLC
> Web Development with Joomla!™ WDP
>  -  info at
> Tel.: (718) 874-6741  -  Fax: (646) 731-6861
> _______________________________________________
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> NYPHPCon 2006 Presentations Online
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