[joomla] Ideas for Survey Questions

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Sun Nov 1 09:49:43 EST 2009

One more to add, specific to the number of production sites one
launches - are they:

1) Shared hosting
2) Dedicated hosting
3) Multiple server
4) Cloud

-- Mitch

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Leam Hall <leam at> wrote:
> Barrie North wrote:
>> I thought I would ask the list (based on recent discussion) if there are
>> any
>> useful question the group thinks we could include. Its an opportunity to
>> get
>> several thousand Joomla users weigh in on something.
>> Ideas?
> 1. Where do you see Joomla utilized?
>        Personal sites
>        SOHO sites
>        Not for profits
>        Private Organization or Groups
>        Governmental bodies (Local, State, National)
>        ...
> 2. What have you heard the client say the biggest confusion is for their web
> site?
> 3. What do *you* think is the clients biggest struggle?
> 4. How many hours do you take to build a small Joomla site?
> 5. Using the hours from #4 above, how do you divide up the time?
>        a. Client communications
>        b. Research into Joomla configuration
>        c. Search and research for Joomla Add-ons
>        d. Initial site configuration
>        e. Initial content generation
>        f. Training client in site support
>        g. Fixing client issues
> 6. How many production Joomla sites have you installed?
> 7. Referring to #6 above, what percentage were on:
>        a. Windows hosts
>        b. Linux hosts
>        c. Mac hosts
>        d. BSD hosts
>        e. Other hosts
> 8. When you discuss a CMS with a client, what options do you offer?
> 9. What percentages of your clients display an informed opinion on the value
> of one CMS over another?
> 10. On a scale of 0 (not at all) and 9 (totally grok it), how "clueful" are
> your clients on:
>        a. Amount of effort to build a medium site
>        b. Understanding of the different Web roles (designer, developer,
> database programmer, etc)
>        c. Hourly rates for skilled web work
>        d. Managing the web project
> 11. Reference #10, choice "d". What percentage of your clients:
>        a. Want you do do their specific task list
>        b. Give you a set of objectives and some loose parameters
>        c. Work with you as a 50/50 equal partner
>        d. Look to you for major input decisions
>        e. Give you the login and a "due by" date
> Barrie, hope that helps.
> Leam
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