[joomla] Any thoughts on why Joomla missed out?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Oct 27 13:53:21 EDT 2009

While this is a bit of sour grapes, and I am overall thrilled to see a high
profile website[the White House] switiching to an Open Source CMS[Drupal],
it does make me think a bit about just what is it with about Drupal that
makes it penetrate a bit further at the government level.

By the same token, the local county spent the past 6 months building out
their tourism associated website.  In the end, the functionality leaves me

For example, the lodging directory is fairly basic functionality - and no
rss feeds.

I have found Drupal to have a stronger community of tech geeks using it, but
a weaker community of functional users.  A lot of components for Drupal tend
to be "proof of concept' type's, where I can see how they could be extended
to something functional, but their not quite there.

Joomla, by contrast, has a lot of apps which from a technical perspective
are exactly the same but by changing labels and gearing, they are fully
functional drop in apps to do something.

So why is Drupal making inroads while Joomla seems to be lagging?  Any
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