[joomla] Vent: extensions directory

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Oct 28 22:19:57 EDT 2009

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Leam Hall <leam at> wrote:
> So, given the current discussion about the organization methods of Joomla
> and Drupal, does this give a big edge to Drupal?
> My personal choice is Joomla because I have a book on it, I've worked with
> it a little, and I know at least one former core-developer. From a
> technocratic perspective, I have no idea which is better or why, except what
> I read here. Even then you guys are sometimes over my head.

For me, Joomla is the entrenched heavyweight, and Drupal the brash
young upstart with a swagger.

Both have large enough communities behind them that you are in good
hands - and the best part about this is that you should be just fine
whichever you choose.

-- Mitch

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