[joomla] Ideas for Survey Questions

Leam Hall leam at
Fri Oct 30 23:15:56 EDT 2009

Barrie North wrote:
> I thought I would ask the list (based on recent discussion) if there are any
> useful question the group thinks we could include. Its an opportunity to get
> several thousand Joomla users weigh in on something.
> Ideas?

1. Where do you see Joomla utilized?
	Personal sites
	SOHO sites
	Not for profits
	Private Organization or Groups
	Governmental bodies (Local, State, National)

2. What have you heard the client say the biggest confusion is for their 
web site?

3. What do *you* think is the clients biggest struggle?

4. How many hours do you take to build a small Joomla site?

5. Using the hours from #4 above, how do you divide up the time?
	a. Client communications
	b. Research into Joomla configuration
	c. Search and research for Joomla Add-ons
	d. Initial site configuration
	e. Initial content generation
	f. Training client in site support
	g. Fixing client issues

6. How many production Joomla sites have you installed?

7. Referring to #6 above, what percentage were on:
	a. Windows hosts
	b. Linux hosts
	c. Mac hosts
	d. BSD hosts
	e. Other hosts

8. When you discuss a CMS with a client, what options do you offer?

9. What percentages of your clients display an informed opinion on the 
value of one CMS over another?

10. On a scale of 0 (not at all) and 9 (totally grok it), how "clueful" 
are your clients on:
	a. Amount of effort to build a medium site
	b. Understanding of the different Web roles (designer, developer, 
database programmer, etc)
	c. Hourly rates for skilled web work
	d. Managing the web project

11. Reference #10, choice "d". What percentage of your clients:
	a. Want you do do their specific task list
	b. Give you a set of objectives and some loose parameters
	c. Work with you as a 50/50 equal partner
	d. Look to you for major input decisions
	e. Give you the login and a "due by" date

Barrie, hope that helps.


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