[joomla] Gary Mort has been silent

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Apr 9 10:18:47 EDT 2010

I'm sorry I haven't posted in reply here....I've just been
overwhelmed.....and overwhelmed by all the offers of help.

"Let me, it is too much.... let me sum up" :-)

On Saturday we moved to our new rental house in Woodstock.  Moving out of
the apartment in Kingston which was in a....not so good location.....  move
prompted by the gang member from poughkeepsie[yes, they do have gangs
here...somewhat more dangerous in some respects than NYC gangs because their
not only violent but stupid too]...... who came to Kingston looking for the
kid who testified against his brother and shot him 10-20 feet from the door
to my apartment.[yes, life has been a little unbelievable this year].

Beautiful house, great landlords, the kids loved their new

We had a really efficient move and everything was in.

I had put my bed up against the electric baseboard heaters, making a note
that it would have to be moved come winter... but it was so nice and
beautiful we would not be using the heaters for months.

Somehow the heat was when the temp dropped overnight the heater
turned on...... overnight it set the mattress to smoldering but I thought
the smell was from hair or such... turned off the heater and went to get
some more stuff.

While I was gone, Sandy got very uncomfortable due to fumes....and when she
noticed Laura[the 2 year old, not the one on this list!] hands were blue she
sent all the kids outside and looked throughout the house.  Then not finding
anything, went and got the landlady and they searched and found the bed
which was smouldering[no fire at this point].

My wife suggested calling 911 and the landlady didn't think it was a big
deal.....  Then her husband decided to move wife suggested hosing
it down first but they didn't think it was neccessary[hey, I'd do stupid
stuff like that too!  The main diff is I listen when my wife tells me I'm
being a dumb ass.]

As soon as the bed was moved and air was let in, it flared from smoldering
to fire....  They dragged the landlord out[who kept thinking he could stop
it] and called under half an hour it spread throughout the house
and burned the entire insides out...


No, we just moved in, rental insurance was to be setup on the next paycheck.
 Complete wipeout.   Including our laptops.

I've got replacement systems[though my wife's wireless is flaky] and working
through things slowly.

Immediate clothing needs are covered.......  Couch surfing and such for the
next few weeks.

So we have immediate issues to deal with, mid term, and long term.

Fun fun fun.

On the upside, I am overwhelmed by the offers of help from not only Sandy's
friends[who I expected them from], but from my own contacts and such....and
also complete stangers!

It is......beyond humbling.

Here is my wifes livejournal post about needs and such:

In short, we are going to have to completely refurnish wherever we move to,
right down to bookshelves[though not many books left!  *sigh*.....  I love
books] and wall hangings.

Kitchen stuff, ironically, had not completely made it over so we might have
that stuff...still need to take stock there.

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:10 AM, M Konop <mkonop at> wrote:

> Just in case anyone has been wondering why Gary Mort has not been
> contributing to the list recently - he moved to a new house on April 1st.
> April 2nd the house burned down with all their possessions. He, his wife,
> and their 4 kids are staying with his parents.
> --
> Marian Konop
> Gotham Informatics
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