[joomla] Non-profit open source CMS meetup in NYC - Wednesday, April 28

Ryan W. Ozimek cozimek at
Tue Apr 27 17:35:34 EDT 2010

Hi NYC folks,

I'm out here in SF right now, but just saw this run across one of my
non-profit tech lists, and wondered if any of our Joomla! friends in the NYC
area could attend this meetup and lend a hand for some non-profits looking
to learn more about Joomla!

Developing Websites with Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal
Wednesday, April 28 @ 6pm ET

"The survey results are in, and an significant majority of you wanted to
learn more about creating websites with some free or cheap open source tools
like Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. So that's what we're going to be talking

"This will a basic to intermediate level presentation, and we'll talk about
how these tools can be useful both for new organizations that don't have a
website yet, as well as how they might be helpful for making microsites or
independent blogs for specific purposes, like fundraising campaigns or
particular topical issues. Of course, this is high-level stuff, and we're
not going to get too far into the technical aspects of the development, just
enough to make some decisions about what platform might be best for your
use, and what sort of benefits or problems might come up with each one."

Merc Bar
151 Mercer St
New York, NY 10012
(212) 966-2727 

Can anyone make it to share the Joomla! word?


Empower your organization with a new Web site!
Non-Profit Soapbox

Ryan W. Ozimek
PICnet, Inc. -
1605 Connecticut Ave, NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20009
P: 202.585.0239
F: 202.280.1175
"Empowering the missions of non-profits through technology"

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