[joomla] 404 error when click on preview

Ellen Rothwax ellen.rothwax at
Wed Apr 28 17:05:42 EDT 2010

I have a weird situation. I have a new install of Joomla on a shared server,
in a test directory. When I am in the administrator back end, which I log in
to with, I have no problem.
BUT, if I click on preview, or type in I get
an Error 404 Not Found.
If I add index.php after the test/ I get to my site, but when I click on
Home on the navigation, I get the 404 error page again.
Any ideas? I have 2 other test sites in other test directories on this
server (and 3 databases) and they all work correctly.
I am using Joomla 1.5.15, the host is 1&1.

Ellen Rothwax
Web Design and Development
Don’t say you can’t afford a website. . .you can’t afford not to have one.
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