[joomla] various questions

Mark Simko masimko at
Tue Aug 17 01:07:48 EDT 2010

I need to make changes to a website that is using mosets tree.

I need to stop the system from emailing the administrator whenever a new
user registers on the website. I didn't find any setting to turn this
off. Perhaps I missed it somewhere. I'm thinking that I have to override
the com_user view to stop this.

I also want to change the onscreen registration greeting. I want it to
greet the new registrant by their user name and not their real name.
Again, best to override com_user view?

I'm using JCE for the editor for registered users to post. I've stripped
it down a bit. Problem with it is that it uses a <br /> for carriage
returns. I want it to use <p />. Even though I set that int the JCE
configuration, it seems to always use <br />. Any ideas on how to change
this behavior?


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