[joomla] Membership extension for Joomla, or another platform suggestion?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Tue Feb 23 06:42:11 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:15 AM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> I have a project I'm prosing for a new non-profit and I think Joomla may be
> well suited for it. I'd greatly appreciate any opinions on this such as
> "David, here are five extensions that do most everything you asked." Or
> constructive comments like, "Wouldn't your time be better spent not trying
> to cram this thing down Joomla's throat and instead use X?".
> Your goals sound more like a CRM[customer relation management] than a CMS.
 The most popular CRM in the non profit sphere is CIVICRM,

That said, *I* would use Joomla because it is 10 times faster for me to take
some existing components and add/tweak them.

As for email campaigns, again I would use PHPlist because I know how to go
through and setup all the whitelisting, feedback loops, domain key signing,
SPF/Sender ID domain records, etc to minimize email being marked as spam.
 And PHPlist has throttling built into it.

But I recommend MailChimp since they have an easy to use api and a PHP
library so you can integrate it with Joomla sign up processing fairly
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