[joomla] Community Builder eating accounts?

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Wed Jan 6 19:18:53 EST 2010

Hey gang,

I have a client with the most curious problem, and she's trying to
create a SuperAdmin account for me to look around. The second she hits
save however, the account gets deleted somehow. Trying to get around
this hurdle, I did the following:

1) Register for an account on the front end
2) Login (works)
3) Logout
4) Login (works)
5) Logout

She then goes into user manager in the admin and promotes my account
to Administrator or Super Administrator, and *poof* the account is
gone. Like, TOTALLY gone, not in the database, zilch, nada, nothing.

Anybody heard of something like this or have any idea how to make this
stop? I'm hoping it is just some silly plugin or something, but not
having access to the site makes it impossible for me to debug...

-- Mitch, hoping this is a simple setting that can be changed somewhere

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