[joomla] Simple things: templates

Helvécio da Silva helvecio.rj at
Sun Jan 17 06:38:36 EST 2010

For the first time ever I decided to take a differente approach when
developing a new project in Joomla: I didn't install the template created to
the project yet. Thus, I started realizing how the ones that come bundled

For my surprise, I noticed one huge flaw: titles are displayed differently
in blog style and article pages. I configure both CSS classes to display the
same, yet it never comes out looking really good. Why not use the same CSS
rule for all titles?

2010/1/15 Gary Mort <garyamort at>

> So, I've been mucking around trying to find a decent template to give a try
> to "release early, release often" for a friends website.
> All the templates out there are too too too much.
> On a lark, I used the default rhuk_mikyway template.
> It's perfect.  Background and foreground color control, easy to setup,
> basic function and extendable.
> Perfect!
> Now if only I could find a decent image editor like fireworks..

Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at -
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