[joomla] LAMP server setup

Leam Hall leam at
Sun Jan 31 14:17:46 EST 2010

Rolan Yang wrote:
> Gary Mort wrote:
>> But because of that, and my rusty LAMP server skills, I'm a little 
>> behind on "ideals".
>> So...presuming you get to control the server environment, and we're 
>> using Linux.  What is the ideal way to configure your server so that:
>> The web server can read/write/edit files for the virtual host joomla 
>> is being installed on
>> Multiple users can ssh/ftp to the server and read/write/edit 
>> files[including ones created by each other and the webserver] for that 
>> virtual host[and can edit any files the web server created]
>> AND
>> you can have a second virtual host that the web server can 
>> read/write/edit files in and other users can as well but programs in 
>> the first virtual host can't be run by the server and edit files in 
>> the second one.

I will recommend Red Hat/CentOS for package management and general ease 
of finding server assistance. However, if you're familiar with another 
distro, use that. Ease of use is the name of that game.

To answer the "second virtual" question, you don't. You run a second 
Apache instance on the machine and redirect to a different port or IP. 
Generally the latter. The issue is that one Apache instance runs as the 
same user and has write rights to both directories. So unless you can 
use authentication to limit what the web pages serve and thus what they 
can edit, the Apache process can do either.


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