[joomla] Style debates

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Jul 28 14:16:45 EDT 2010

A few style questions:

I was curious how others felt about the great fixed vs fluid width debate.

On the one hand, a fixed width site lets you place things PRECISELY where
you want them on the page as far as the left/right corners are concerned.

On the other hand, I frequently run 2 browsers side by side and fixed width
websites makes it much harder to work with them.

I am leaning towards a fluid width with minimum width hinting.....

Another question is rounded corners.  I LOOOOVE rounded corners, but I hate
the javascript/images that one uses to do them.  As such, my own inclination
is towards using the webkit/mozilla rounded corners CSS styling and just let
the chips fall to square corners in non-compliant browsers.

And here is one for Mitch, gradients.   I really hate using image background
gradients, but now that CSS3 will allow one to specify gradients, I'm
inclined to use them because they just LOOK so much nicer.....but again only
for browsers supporting the CSS commands, let other browsers have the older

Then there is transparent backgrounds...where you place a transparent
background on your main content area so it floats above your background...
 they simply look cool to me....but my wife tells me she has a lot of
trouble reading text on transparent backgrounds so I'm thinking out they go

So, I figured the Joomla list is a nice mix of coders and designers to get
various ideas from.
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