[joomla] Questions about best practices for registered users, events and downloads

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sun Jun 6 18:02:40 EDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 5:17 PM, Herb Tucker <htucker at> wrote:

> Next, I need some guidance about how you would solve this design problem;
> what extensions you would use, etc.
> I have a site that will provide webinars, seminars, a newsletter and
> document downloads. I need a way to manage user registrations for events,
> downloads and the newsletter that will also allow registered users to
> manage
> their own profiles. I would prefer the solution use the Joomla users DB
> rather than proprietary tables.
> I've looked at RSEvents, Jevents, Events Registration Pro,

I have not used event components for a while, and only been troubleshooting
others.  Still, I have not liked anything I've seen. A few years ago I
loooved GigCalendar.  It looks like there is a version for 1.5/1.6 in
progress, so maybe give the alpha a try?

> phpList and
> JDownloads and I'm having a hard time coming to a conclusion about which if
> any of these extensions will really do all that I want them to do (well,
> I'm
> fairly certain I'll be using phpList for the newsletter).

My primary employment is email deliver-ability for fashion ezines, as such
my professional advice is as follows:
Use an ESP[email service provider] you don't want to try to troubleshoot
this yourself.  I recommend Mail Chimp [my affiliate link to them is ]

Why Mailchimp:
I like their web page
They help you set things up
They provide you with a bunch of templates to play with so you don't need to
design your own html newsletter from scratch[no, your nice CSS/HTML site
will not work well in email].
They will do some translation of your advanced CSS/HTML webpage and convert
it to the bad old days of HTML coding for email...automatically.
You can get a free account and send up to 500 messages a month[but must
include your affiliate link somewhere on the newsletter for a free account]
I like their webpage
I like their attitude
They will allow you to bring your pre-existing list form another service
that you double dog swear are all valid, double opt ins[unlike other
companies which make you make subscribers re-subscribe.]  Of course, if you
lied they will find out when the spam complaints come in and cancel your
account, so don't lie.

However, PHPList is a good solution too.  And if you are going to roll it
yourself, here is my advice:
Sign up for Google Apps for busines
Setup Google's email service for business as [where is your domain]
Use for sending your newsletters, and just your
Pick up a copy of Dioscouri's phplist sync tool,

Of course, if your using one Dioscouri product, than you might as well use
their download management product as well. :-)


> Any suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers!
> Herb
> Herbert M. Tucker
> Principal
> Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
> P: 732-497-0326
> C: 848-218-9172
> F: 732-497-0326
> E: htucker at
> W:
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