[joomla] This may be bigger than I can handle alone

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Wed Mar 3 12:22:29 EST 2010

Aren't webinars interactive?  The ones I've attended were.  There were multiple speakers and attendees could ask questions via audio or IM.  hwdvideoshare would not be able to handle them interactively.

From: Gary Mort <garyamort at>
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 11:47:02 AM
Subject: Re: [joomla] This may be bigger than I can handle alone

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Ellen Rothwax <ellen.rothwax at> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I have a Request for Proposal for a website with the following functionality requirements. 
>1.create opportunities for members to interact with each other via
>chatrooms and webconferencing
>2.provide webinars, podcasts and webcasts, both free and fee-based
>3.web conferencing for members
>4.creating and marketing a blog to develop wider interest in the organization 
>5.creating an "ask the specialist" tool with appropriate security for people to use the website as a confidential resource.
>This is a much larger project than I usually deal with. My questions are:
>1. Which Joomla extensions do you recommend to meet these various requirements?

For webinars, podcasts, and webcasts I'd suggest youtube hosted videos with hwdmediashare.  Note: put fee based ones off to phase 2, get things working with free services than move on.

I would USE Kaltura with it's Joomla plugin.  I would set it up using the commercial service, and then as a phase 1.5 setup my own private server using their open source version[and hopefully 1.5 will be stable by then]

For chatrooms and web conferencing, I would integrate ARSC:

It has hooks in the code for integration already.... does not do web conferencing or such, but you can grab code form some other chat servers[AjaxChat has nice sound/smiley integration, but otherwise has lagged behind].   

See for a list of what I am aiming for to make my wife happy.

2.How would we deal with the "confidential" ask the specialist? 

Sobi, K2, Fabrik, or any other CCK component - most have a submit function that can be restricted to only a few people to view.

>3. What server requirements (an area I am totally ignorant about) would be needed?

If your hosting video offsite, you should be fine with most anything.  
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