[joomla] Joomla on Mac

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Mar 12 15:08:38 EST 2010

Note: XAMPP upgraded to PHP 5.3 in their latest version.    PHP 5.3 /breaks/
many things in many open source applications.  I know Joomla didn't work
under it at one point[it looks like it does, but a few key features would

Hopefully that's changed..but if not, you can download and install a version
of XAMP with PHP 5.2

Grumble...  I was just getting to love MacPorts but everything they have is
geared to PHP 5.3 as well.  I was able to install a PHP 5.2 port, but all
the other packages I wanted[ImageMAgick, Gmagick, etc] install 5.3 specific

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Helvécio da Silva <helvecio.rj at>wrote:

> I use XAMPP and am happy about it. I'm a designer, not a developer and it
> suits me well. It can be installed on a pendrive, so you can have your
> project on the go. I really don't know MAMP, but it's good to know you have
> a choice.
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