[joomla] newbie looking for hosting

ozzie sutcliffe oz.sutcliffe at
Mon Mar 15 09:31:20 EDT 2010

Also on the hosting when the excrement hits the fan , its always going
to be your fault. All the problems with hosting end up on your plate
as bad web design performance etc etc etc.
Customers have this nasty habit of trying to save a few dollars a
month , yet spend your dollars in your (unpaid) time dealing with
issues associated with hosting.

To me shared hosting is ok for the non business impact sites, any site
that has the potential to impact business or expand and need SSL  and
or multiple apps like CRM and corp site and maybe even HR apps etc
then you need to be on a virtual server.

To this day it amazes me that folks who dev websites for a living
don't have their own (virtual) server online to work on.

You can't know how many times I have seen "well it looks fine on my
local .*.amp system. But when its on the internet its not the same
Or the background noise of whimpering and sobbing , and the moaning
death throes of hard drive about to become a recycling candidate.
"How much is data recovery"
"When my hard drive clicks does this mean its talking in Xhosa to me"
"I backed it up locally so that means you can still get it right"
"I can't back up my desktop does not have reverse"
"It's on the internet so its backed up"

Monday morning rant off


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