[joomla] Permission problems

Donna Marie Vincent donnamarievincent at
Wed Mar 17 12:44:58 EDT 2010

When you changed the permissions, what did you change them to?  Many hosts won't let you use 777.

From: Helvécio da Silva <helvecio.rj at>
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla <joomla at>
Sent: Tue, March 16, 2010 9:55:59 PM
Subject: [joomla] Permission problems

Hi ya'll!

I had a problem at a client two days ago, I've never had before with Joomla.

I made a change to the template index.php, saved and tried to upload the file. No luck. I couldn't overwrite the file on the server side.I noticed index.php permission on the server was 444(?) I changed the permission on the server, then...INTERNAL SERVER ERROR! Only the administrator page could be seen. Tried to change back the permission. NOTHING. I changed the template through the manager, nothing happened. My client contacted their host provider and soon things were back to as they were before.

I've done this a thousand times on the server I'm used to work with and had never such a problem. Never found a 444, before though.

What can I do to avoid this, when there's a need to overwrite a file? 

IT WAS SOOOOOOOO EMBARASSING!! I had that look "Do you know what you're doing?"

Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - helvecio.rj at
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