[joomla] component to create" templated" articles?

Rolan Yang rolan at
Wed May 19 22:17:17 EDT 2010

Before I potentially embark upon recreating a wheel, does anyone know of 
a Joomla component that will iterate through rows in database table 
merging the data into designated fields in a template (template in a 
"general" HTML sense - not a Joomla template) then export the result 
into Joomla articles?

The database information may be updated by a custom component within the 
Joomla admin or perhaps though a external non-Joomla application ( the 
database/content management  is separate and not within the scope of 
what I am asking above).

An example application for this would be a series of bio or profile 
pages which should have the same structure and layout: 
name,photo,description, contact information, links, etc.

I am envisioning an admin component which contains a "export database to 
articles" button that will take the database data, merge it with the 
template, create the articles, then save the article id's. Any 
subsequent exports will save updated data to the same article id so as 
not to create duplicates.

I am leaning towards this method  instead of creating a custom end 
user-facing component because that would involve writing additional 
plugins to integrate with the search and other components.

If there is a better way to implement what I am asking? Suggestions are 


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