[joomla] Weird #$@!!^@! redirect happening - HEEeeLLP!!!

Herb Tucker htucker at
Tue Sep 28 12:35:18 EDT 2010

Thanks for the tip Donna.
What I did find out was it appears to be somehow caused by Akeeba Backup
itself or some corruption to the archive but I'm still completely in the
dark how that would initiate a redirect.
The Warnings window in AB would open during the backup but only dotted lines
would show where a message should be. The backup would complete
successfully. I deleted the all the site files on the test server, deleted
the DB and uninstalled Akeeba Backup 3.1 (I had just updated from v3.0). I
reinstalled AB3.0 created another archive and installed it on the test
server. Everything works fine, thanks be to God!
I can't figure any means that would create a redirect to the original site
other that an .htaccess file (I deleted it), an SEF extension perhaps (I was
only using Joomla core and I disabled it) or some other extension (there
aren't any installed extensions that would have anything to do with a
redirect) so I'm still baffled. I suspect AB may not be the actual cause of
this either as the dotted line warnings from AB 3.1 may not have anything at
all to do with the redirect error.
If anyone can shed some light on what other possible mechanism for a
redirect exists I would appreciate hearing from you.

Herbert M. Tucker
Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
P: 732-497-0326
C: 848-218-9172
F: 732-497-0326
E: htucker at

Message: 2
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 18:51:45 -0400
From: Donna Marie Vincent <donnamarievincent at>
To: "NYPHP SIG: Joomla" <joomla at>
Cc: "<joomla at>" <joomla at>
Subject: Re: [joomla] Weird #$@!!^@! redirect happening - HEEeeLLP!!!
Message-ID: <313F8FC0-3EDD-439E-B55D-6987C48BA186 at>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii

Check docman's configuration file. Some components use their own
configuration file instead of using Joomla's. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 27, 2010, at 6:42 PM, "Herb Tucker" <htucker at> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Any help on this would be greatly appreciated as I'm currently pulling my
> hair out and not sure what to try next.
> I deployed a site to and everything was working fine.
> The client wanted DOCman added to the site and there were a number of
> I wanted to do so I Akeeba backuped the site, loaded the archive to my dev
> server and went to work. So far so good. I made all the changes I wanted
> AB'd the dev site, uploaded the archive to my test server,
> . I can access the backend fine but when I attempt to access the front end
> I'm being redirected to the original site ???
> I've checked the .htaccess file and there isn't any redirect there. I
> disabled the Joomla SEF and deleted the .htaccess file, same problem. I
> checked the cPanel and there aren't any redirects for the domain.
> If I create an index.html in the root of then the index.html
> will open and no redirect.
> I've looked at the source file for the redirected page and all looks
> I've used Live HTTP Headers and I can set the GET for and a
> redirect code but no info on what is initiating that.
> I've used different browsers and a different PC and I get the same
> I've checked the DNS zone record and everything is as it should be, A and
> names all pointing where they're supposed to, correct NameServers , all
> looks good.
> I ran tracert for and it stops at the correct IP,
> It seems that there has to be something in the Joomla installation that is
> initiating a redirect.
> I don't know what else to try at this point and I'm hoping somebody can
> point me in the right direction.
> Thanks!
> Herb
> Herbert M. Tucker
> Principal
> Covenant Technical Services, Inc.
> P: 732-497-0326
> C: 848-218-9172
> F: 732-497-0326
> E: htucker at
> W:

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