[joomla] Molajo

Matt Thomas matt at
Mon Aug 29 14:42:56 EDT 2011

Hi Folks,

I just wanted to drop in and add a few thoughts to this thread.

The Molajo project was first announced, and we first started work on it, in
October of last year - less than one year ago. At J and Beyond this year we
announced a new direction for Molajo that would help showcase one of the
many potential uses for the Joomla platform. This new direction meant that
instead of creating a distribution of Joomla we would create a new
application utilizing the Joomla platform. We have been making good progress
since this change in May, and you can follow along at Molajo has not reached Alpha yet,
but we do anticipate a release in the upcoming months. Hopefully you'll like
what we've done.


Matt Thomas
Founder betweenbrain <>™
Lead Developer Construct Template Development
Phone: 203.632.9322
Twitter: @betweenbrain

On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> On 8/25/2011 8:09 AM, Helvécio da Silva wrote:
>> I realize there's a lot of unsatisfied people after the launch of 1.6.
>> Out of curiosity I googled for joomla forks and found a distribution in
>> development called Molajo. Even though they claim they're not a fork, I
>> found it quite an interesting project to keep an eye on.
>> It seems there was a talk about it in JDNYC 2010 - which I missed -
>>  according to a video I saw.
>> What are your thoughts about it?
> It has not had a release in over a year.  In my book, that makes it a dead
> project.
> OTOH Joomla 1.7 is sooooo close to a terrific system... a LOT of 'under the
> hood' features have been added that I can see from the direction their going
> things may well improve significantly in 1.8.   The number of new features
> making itself into core have jumped astronomically since moving to github.
>  It makes it so much easier to suggest and add a feature to Joomla - you
> implement it in your own branch and submit a pull request.  No creating
> patch files, importing, exporting, and such.
> The CMS itself really needs to get onto the same version control platform.
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