[joomla] Drupal from a joomla'ers view

ozzie sutcliffe oz.sutcliffe at
Mon Feb 14 19:10:44 EST 2011

so how did the football feel ??

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 1:11 PM, Scott Wolpow <scott at> wrote:
> Yes, it is quite differant from joomla. Drupal assumes you already know how to use. But once you get on track it is great.
> Chris French <chris at> wrote:
>>So I wanted to try out drupal 7 because a lot of times there is a debate over the CMS to start a project and I always advocate for joomla, which is mostly because it is what I know the most about.
>>I have built probably 50 of so joomla sites, components, modules etc in joomla.
>>However, I installed drupal and was trying to test out a few things and i felt like a monkey f**king a football.  Is it just me or is drupal kinda hard to get your head wrapped around?
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