[joomla] how to mandate module for article views from sidebar "read more" link?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon Mar 14 21:10:35 EDT 2011

When configuring a module to display on specific pages, the issue is one 
of menu's.   Modules are configured for pages by using the menu, a menu 
has an "itemid" assigned to it[you can see this in the url when SEF is 
not enabled].  Joomla checks the itemid to see what page it is on and 
thus displays the modules.

When someone clicks the "read more" link they bypass the menu...if that 
specific article is not on the menu's, there is no itemid and thus no 
way for Joomla to display the module.

There are a number of ways to do what you want,  in this case it is 
fairly easy.  You wish to only display a module if it is not the homepage.

You could create 2 Joomla Templates, one for the front page and one for 
everything else[the default].  Publish the module to a module position 
which is only on the default template, then assign the front page 
template to the homepage[which does have a menu link].

So your normal template would have 2 sidebar position: LeftFrontpage and 
LeftDefault stacked on top of each other.  You publish modules that 
should not appear on the frontpage to LeftDefault, and modules that go 
to each to LeftFrontpage.

You could also have a single template where you check to see if the 
program is on the frontpage and if so, don't load the module position 

What you can't do, out of the box, is assign a /not/ you 
can't say "Publish this module if the page is NOT...."....   which is 
why you have to work around that limitation in some way.

On 3/14/2011 5:55 AM, Terry Kim wrote:
> Hi all, sorry for the cryptic title.
> I have a client site running on Joomla 1.5.22,
> We've noticed that although the main menu on right appears as expected
> when viewing either via blog view of category, or article view, it
> doesn't appear when clicking the "read more" link on a module
> displaying the article on the homepage
> The menu module itself is configured as in attached screenshot.
> I haven't yet tested Advanced Module Manager, it may well be that when
> configured this issue would be resolved, the current config is rather
> kludgy.  However, any idea whether it is possible to configure a
> module to always appear, except for the homepage?  Having written this
> email, I have pretty much answered my own question... install and
> configure advanced module manager, but I'd be interested in comments
> regardless.
> link from homepage sidebar
> blog view
> article view (problem)
> Thanks
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