[joomla] New K2 for Joomla 1.7 is AMAZING!

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Wed Nov 2 16:49:34 EDT 2011

For those who have clamoring for jQuery support for Joomla, like me, and
have already started using Joomla 1.7 for all your projects, also like me,
I have good news: the latest version of K2 provides support for jQuery on
the front end as well as features like comments, social sharing, thumb
nails, cck, etc.

The good folks at Garvick have put together a helpful standard Joomla 1.7
vs. K2 v.2.5.1 features comparison list.

You can get K2 at

Want to learn more? I will present K2 v 2.5 at the December Joomla NYC User
Group meeting on 12/9 (November meeting is already filled up.)

All best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
Twitter: @StephenBritton
ph: 914-661-0040

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." -
George Bernard Shaw
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