[joomla] Consultant/engineer needed to execute move from GoDaddy

Dan Horning dan.horning at
Sun Sep 25 23:34:49 EDT 2011

Using akeba backup this process is quite simple - and free... so then 
the only thing you might have to do is change a few path settings - give 
us a call and i'll see if we can walk you through it without any cost - 
and if we can't we'll go from there! (info at end of email)

hope that helps!

On 9/25/2011 8:41 PM, Robert Banta wrote:
> I have a fairly active and involved Joomla site with a number of 
> add-ins that needs to get moved off GoDaddy.  I need an experienced 
> engineer/consultant who has done this before.  It needs to be done 
> cleanly with minimal downtime.  Could lead to possible future 
> consulting/business relationship.  Please send recommendations or 
> inquiries to the address below.
> Thank you.
> Robert Banta
> rbanta at
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Dan Horning

American Digital Services - Where you are only limited by imagination.
dan.horning at ::
1-518-444-0213 x502 . toll free 1-800-863-3854 . fax 1-888-474-6133
PO Box 746, Troy, NY 12181

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