[joomla] Monthly Joomla NYC meeting reminder, #joomlanyc, and news!

Stephen Britton sbritton at
Fri Sep 30 13:12:33 EDT 2011

Hi Gang,

Just a gentle reminder that the Joomla NYC meeting takes place on Thursday,
Oct. 13 at the usual place - Lincoln Center, 146 West 65th Street. For
directions, see

The theme for this month's meeting is Joomla 1.7. Bring your J1.7/1.6
experiences and questions. There will also be a lightning round and I am
working on getting some swag as well. Laura Gordon is the chair.

Also, Joomla NYC is now on Twitter. Yes,  the Joomla NYC User Group has
finally joined the modern world! The account is @joomlanyc (natch!) If you
have Twitter, please join. Right now, we have 0 followers and you have a
chance to be the first one!

Note that the @joomlanyc Twitter account will augment the JoomlaNYC mailing
list. It's purpose is to send out short news items and reminders. We will
continue to use the mailing list for dispensing group information.

On to Joomla News.

SobiPro 1.0 has been released and like Sobi, it's FREE! You can get it at

Speaking of upgrades and updates, here is an extensive review and screen
shots of the new VirtueMart 2.0

Stackideas, which makes the excellent EasyBlog and EasyDiscuss extensions
are having a 30% off sale for the next three days. Use code STACKSALE30.

If you are looking for a good blog and want to stick with Joomla, EasyBlog
is worth consideration. It has many of the same features as WordPress and is
available at a 30% discount from the usual $59.

That's it for now. Hope to see everyone at Joomla Day Weekend Oct. 21/22/23

Remember to follow us on Twitter @JoomlaNYC

All best,


Stephen Britton
Technology Consultant
sbritton at
ph: 914-661-0040

"If you want to greatly increase your chance of success, double your rate of
failure." - Tom Watson, founder of IBM.
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