[joomla] Joomla 2.5.4: "Edit state is not permitted" - Footer module is locked

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue Apr 10 16:18:24 EDT 2012

Hi Laura.

Thanks for the reply.

I went to Global Checkin. I see listed the following:

        hihto_banner_clients table	0
	hihto_banners table	0
	hihto_categories table	0
	hihto_contact_details table	0
	hihto_content table	0
	hihto_extensions table	0
	hihto_finder_filters table	0
	hihto_menu table	0
	hihto_modules table	0
	hihto_newsfeeds table	0
	hihto_user_notes table	0
	hihto_weblinks table	0

There is nothing to check-in. I selected them all anyway, and did a
check-in and got the message "No item checked-in".

Either I'm missing something here, or something is messed up. Any
suggestions of which MySQL table and field to look in to see what is
going on? Thanks!

David Roth

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Laura Gordon <rytech123 at> wrote:
> David,
> To do this, you have to do a GLOBAL CHECKIN
> In joomla 1.5, it is under: Tools --> Global Checkin
> In Joomla 2.5 it is under: Site --> Maintenance ---> Global Checkin
> Hope this helps.
> No need to go into mysql or anything...
> -- Laura
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 3:46 PM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:
>> Usually when I have run across a locked status in Joomla, I can click
>> on it, and it solves the problem.
>> I'm trying to access the 'footer' module. I go to the Extentions
>> Manager - > Manage and it finds 'footer' but it has a status with a
>> lock icon on it. I have tried to disable and enable it, but it
>> displays the message "Edit state is not permitted".
>> Never had this happen before so I'm not sure what to do to fix it
>> gracefully. I went to Options and selected Allow for Edit State, saved
>> it, but this has had no effect.
>> I'm the only admin on this website at the moment, so I'm willing to
>> check something in MySQL if needed with PhpAdmin, but not I'm sure
>> what to change to unlock this or if it will have other unwanted
>> actions. Thanks!
>> David Roth
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